A diagnosis of radiculopathy involves a pinched nerve root in the spine. It is caused by deterioration or injury of surrounding bone structures, cartilage, muscle, and/or tendons. The neck and the lower back region of the spine are the most susceptible.

Radiculopathy symptoms can vary depending on the location of the nerve compression. Depending on the location of your pinched nerve root, symptoms can vary from discomfort, pain, and muscle weakness that could potentially extend down into your legs or your neck and arms.

Conservative treatments or non-surgical treatments are often used to improve the overall condition of the affected nerves as well as relieve certain degrees of pain. Patients are normally asked to refrain from any physically demanding activities.

Non-surgical treatments may include:

  • Injections, such as steroids
  • Physical therapy
  • Use of support braces
  • Anti-inflammatory medications

If conservative methods are ineffective or if your condition is severe, minimally invasive surgical treatments are available.

For more information on radiculopathy or to schedule an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us today at (949) 383-4190 or toll free 888-64-SPINE.